Hi. My name is Brody…and I love making videos.
There is a creativity that comes out when I get behind a camera/edit suite that really sparks something in me. I’m also a youth minister at a church outside of Athens and an ordained minister…so I’ve been seen on both sides of the camera. Videographer, Groomsman, Groom, and Minister…done it all.
I filmed my first wedding in 2005 and have been doing it ever since.
Trisha is an awesome stay at home mom and homeschool extraordinaire.
She joined forces with me, both in marriage and filming, and we’ve been a husband-wife combo ever since. She is superb at bringing energy, joy, and enthusiasm to whatever is at hand and taking care of our family. In her free time, she drinks coffee, reads her Bible and pours into our passion for Foster Care and Adoption.
We have three boys (Leeland, Nik, and Jude). Each with their own different personalities, strengths, and passions. It’s a joy to watch them grow in wisdom and stature. As mentioned, we are advocates for Foster Care and are actively involved as a family.
We both graduated from the University of Georgia and we both are passionate followers of Jesus. We were married in July of 2008 and it’s been an incredible journey so far and we’d love to have a part in yours as your new life together begins.