Larry and Katie asked us to join them out at Watson’s Mill Bridge State Park for a few family photos on the Saturday morning before the Georgia vs. Florida Football game in October. She had informed me that anytime that she tried to snag a picture of little Luke, he’d immediately change his demeanor. We accepted the challenge to try and get a few smiles out of him. 🙂 It wasn’t an easy task, but by the end of the shoot he livened up a bit (notice the sequence shot of him and Larry and his display of excitement).
We couldn’t have asked for more perfect weather and the park was pretty empty seeing as how most people in a hundred mile radius try to make their way down to Jacksonville. As a side note, Watson Mill will forever hold a soft spot in my heart as the place I busted my chin wide open while sliding down the rocks. Memories. Thanks Larry and Katie for allowing us to be a part of your day!